
David Argyle

Denver 7"Hx5"W Bronze

McClellan 7"Hx5"W Bronze

Mother Hubbard 7"hx5"W Bronze

Texas 7"Hx5"W Bronze

Lefty 18"Hx12"Lx10"W Bronze

Flathead 17"Hx16"W Bronze

Cowboy's Pride 18"Hx16"W Bronze

Cyclone - Bronze

Gone Fishin' 25"Hx14"W Bronze

My Barber Chair 10"Hx6"W Bronze

Vintage Ladies Shoes 3"Hx2"L Bronze

Boots 5'H Bronze

Custom Made 16Hx12W Bronze

Rawhide- 8.5" W x 5.5" D x 10" H Bronze

Great Plains 7"Hx5"W Bronze

Hope - Bronze

California 2 7"Hx5"W Bronze

Charro 7"Hx5"W Bronze

General Purpose 9"Hx6"W Bronze

Gold Rush 7"Hx5"W Bronze

Parade 7"HX5"W Bronze

Softer Side 7"Hx5"W Bronze


David Argyle was born and raised in Utah. He spent his youth working on a ranch. Later on in life he was drawn to create and produce pieces of cowboy memorabilia. He has practiced artistic expression all of his life, painting in oils, modeling clay, carving in wood and bronzing. He has become a master wood carver and is best known for his reproductions of historical and modern day saddles. Argyle spends much time researching to get the authenticity he demands in each piece of work.

When Dave began to carve wood, he worked more than six years before showing these wonderful works of art in a show or gallery. The reason for this is his earlier saddles took close to 1000 hours to complete. He wanted to complete a variety of saddles and carvings before showing his work. Argyle’s wood carvings are unique and have intricate detail in each piece. Dave enjoys the challenge with each carving, but the saddles are a favorite. He has won several awards and has been invited to some of the most prestigious shows in the western United States. Dave found a method of casting his wood carvings in bronze, carving the wood in sections in order to make the molds. It was exciting to see how the bronze takes all of the detail from the wood

Dave will always be involved in art; he says: "It’s what I do."

In Portfolios